Thursday, December 17, 2009



Identify and correct the errors in the following pieces.
There are four; I bet you miss one.
Hint: I just gave you a hint.

"So as of this week, the Ontario Labour Relations Board has two bitter City of Windsor disputes in front of it: The bad-faith bargaining charges filed by CUPE during its summer strike, and the PETU dispute."
Chris Vander Doelen, "Timing bad for PETU", The Windsor Star, Thursday, December 17, 2009.

"Yes - the same benefits-for-life package that was at the heart of the CUPE strike."
Chris Vander Doelen, "Timing bad for PETU", The Windsor Star, Thursday, December 17, 2009.

"Maybe not the same thing, but close enough to keep everybody happy."
Chris Vander Doelen, "Timing bad for PETU", The Windsor Star, Thursday, December 17, 2009.


The word for today is "conjecture".
What part of speech is "conjecture"?
Define "conjecture" and use it in a sentence.

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