Monday, March 16, 2009



Read the following entries and decide whether or not you think there are errors in them.
If you think there are errors, correct them and give your reasons.
If you think the errors are acceptable, explain why.
(How is that for a directed answer?)

"He is the weak link in the chain. The reason they might lose. The cause for concern."
Bob Duff, "Osgood supports Engelage", The Windsor Star, Monday, March 16, 2009.

"Especially since the numbers next to Engelage's name are so glowing."
Bob Duff, "Osgood supports Engelage", The Windsor Star, Monday, March 16, 2009.

"Osgood's advice to Engelage?"
Bob Duff, "Osgood supports Engelage", The Windsor Star, Monday, March 16, 2009.

"Sound words from a man who's been castigated by similar-sounding words many times before."
Bob Duff, "Osgood supports Engelage", The Windsor Star, Monday, March 16, 2009.


The word for today is "interminable".
Define "interminable" and use it in a sentence.

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